Acknowledging our partners, sponsors, and supporters
Denotes Funders and Donors:

Working in partnership with LINZ through the Jobs For Nature Programme to protect and restore indigenous biodiversity whilst promoting future environmental caretakers/kaitiaki. Awarded in Oct 2020.

The DOC Community Fund was awarded during 2019 to contribute to Makarora Catchment Threatened Species Project, From Ridge To River. Working in partnership towards national indigenous biodiversity goals.

Discover more about the Otago region, the Otago Regional Council and the councilors who represent you. ABT is very grateful for grants from the Environmental Enhancement Fund in 2017. And ongoing support from the reformed EcoFund.

Supporting social innovation, building effective organisations and contributing to change. The Foundation model enables creation of Legacy Funds in specific areas of interest. Then others can contribute and magnify the impact.

Ongoing support from a philanthropic organisation which applies its Trust funds for charitable and other purposes which are of benefit to the community.

Geoscientific consulting to sourcing metals strategic to clean sustainable technology development

The New Zealand Lottery Grants Board is a business unit of the Department of Internal Affairs in New Zealand. We acknowledge with thanks their support in providing a grant towards our work (2019).

The World Wide Fund For Nature is an international organisation founded in 1961. Working in the field of the wilderness preservation, and the reduction of human impact on the environment. Formerly named the World Wildlife Fund.

A philanthropic family foundation established in 1994 by Stephen and Margaret Tindall.

Provides wilderness experience tours from the Makarora River. Learn about local history, geology and landscape. With an informative commentary from experienced drivers.

Backcountry Helicopters – Scenic Flights and Commercial/Charter. Based out of Makarora.

An innovative Engineering Consultancy in Arrowtown providing a corporate donation to indigenous biodiversity restoration.

Provides the offshore, subsea and marine industries with a comprehensive range of specialist support vessels, ROV’s, marine equipment and services. A generous donation in helicopter services provided to aid threatened species protection.

The Speight’s fund was established to support not-for-profit groups, working to preserve and protect Otago’s natural environment. Funds received for 2018.

Birds New Zealand is committed to the study of birds and their habitat use. ABT are proud to be Affiliated with BirdsNZ. Activities are organised at both national and regional level. A contribution to the Makarora Field Course was kindly received for 2020 & 2024 educational events.

Mt Albert Station. Working in collaboration with landowners for the benefit of indigenous biodiversity. A kind donation greatly received (2020) towards braided river bird conservation.

Home of the “Siberia Experience” operating memorable fixed wing scenic tours within the Makarora catchment.

The 2019 Goldfields Cavalcade to Hawea provided a community donation to conservation work through funds raised from delivery of this fabulous event!

Red Bridge River Park Trust. ABT are delighted to be a recipient of funds divided between 20 Charitable Trusts within the region following the disbandment of the Red Bridge River Park Trust. Funds received will gratefully help develop continuity and progression of threatened species programmes with the Makarore Otanenui Catchment for the 2022 season.

Following this year’s film preview, ABT are grateful to receive a grant from NZMFF Trust towards the 2022 season’s reptile survey work in the Makarore Otanenui catchment. Postponed to 2023.

ABT proudly acknowledges the generous support of Tūpiki Trust in our efforts to protect and preserve New Zealand’s indigenous species in Mt Aspiring National Park. Tūpiki Trust’s commitment to promoting conservation of climbing spaces and maintaining the ecological status of these areas aligns perfectly with our mission to safeguard the unique biodiversity of Aotearoa.

ES supplies Celium technology to create significant biodiversity gains while driving economic benefits. They enable it’s users to optimise the way they manage and monitor devices and sensors, by delivering cost-effective wireless networks and applications across remote landscapes.

New Zealand’s braided rivers are networks of ever-changing channels weaving between islands of gravels. They are home to many species of birds, fish, invertebrates and plants adapted to live in this challenging and dynamic environment.

Working together to provide environmental education programs in New Zealand.

Intrepid Group is a global leader in delivering sustainable experience-rich travel. Working together with ABT to raise the profile of biodiversity.

ABT’s preferred accommodation provider: Wonderland Makarora Lodge providing a unique wilderness experience.

Online database of bird observations providing scientists, researchers, amateur naturalists with real time data about bird distribution and abundance.

Mobilising and developing environmental leaders. Regional groups involved in a range of community-led habitat restoration projects. Including controlling predators to restore breeding seabird populations at Mt Karioi.

A leading Wanaka Law Firm providing excellent expert services.

Wanaka suppliers of outdoor equipment and optics.

Austrian manufacturer of high quality binoculars, spotting scopes, and tripods. Perfect for bird and nature observations.

Celium is a unique low power wireless network designed with wide-scale rugged management applications in mind. Technology has been applied at two ABT Alpine study sites to aid protection of threatened species.

Based in Wanaka NZ. Adventure Consultants is a world renowned mountain guiding company with a legacy of climbing expeditions to the world’s highest peaks. And treks to the most remote corners of the globe.

One of New Zealand’s leading authorities for hunting, fishing, camping and tramping information and equipment.

Taking ordinary people on extraordinary adventures, partnering with ABT to deliver an enriched biodiversity experience for visitors.

Working together to help raise awareness and protect endemic threatened species within the Makarora Catchment.

Collaboration contributing to kea observations, recording and population increases.

WAI Wānaka is an organisation set up to accelerate local action for fresh water. Current projects include the Wānaka Water Project. ABT is working together with WAI with regards to invasive weed encroachment on braided riverbed habitats.

The Predator Free 2050 movement logo by Tyrone Ohia. ABT ultimately are contributing to this national objective.
Radio New Zealand did a very interesting interview with him. It’s worth a listen here >>

One of our founding members Donald Lousley of iCommunicate Wanaka initially donated labour cost of building this website five years ago. And more recently kindly donated a portion of his time for an upgrade.